This topic incorporates elements of both the history and geography curriculum. Pupils will begin by placing Ancient Greece within a chronological context. Pupils will study Greek life and achievements and their influence on the Western world. They will have the opportunity to explore a mixture of digital and physical artefacts as a way to explore and engage with the topic. Pupils will learn about the key inventions and discoveries of people during this period, and will explore their influence and lasting legacy. Within geography, our main focus will be Europe. We will study Greece in depth and compare and contrast its human and physical features to that of Suffolk.
Arts and Architecture Discoveries and inventions Beliefs and values
Key Vocabulary GEOGRAPHY ALL Europe, UK, Greece ,human, physical, city, village, town, capital, similar, different, settlement, land use, resource SOME Region, time zones, distribution,
HISTORY ALL Ancient, BC/AD, date, era, civilisation, chronology, culture, discovery, empire, timeline, empire, religion, achievement, influence, impact SOME Legacy, democracy, citizen, change and continuity, interpretation, reliability, bias,
Cedar is reading The Orchard Book of Greek Myths as their class book.
Ancient Greece trading game
Our topic reached an exciting end today when Oak Class were invited to join Cedar Class to play a trade game. The children took on roles in city states. Each city state produced different resources such as olive oil, wine and purple dye. The children then needed to cross the sea to trade their produce with other city states!
Interactive Ancient Greece Live lesson
The children in Oak and Cedar Classes took part in an interactive live lesson about the Ancient Greeks. The Royal Armouries education team brought history to life…right in our classrooms! Via livestream, we were transported back to the time of oracles and Spartan warriors. As trainee Spartan warriors, we were put through our paces! An Oracle imparted the wisdom of the gods via the myth of Perseus and Medusa. An action packed and memorable hour with plenty of interesting questions asked at the end.
Democracy in Ancient Greece and today
In Cedar Class we have learned about the development of democracy in Ancient Greece and compared it with democracy in Britain today. We then used everything we had learned to create our own Cedar Class democracy, deciding how we would debate and vote on important issues. This unit provided lots of opportunities for children to extend their confidence, enjoyment and mastery of language through public speaking, performance and debate.
A timeline of Ancient Greece
Cedar Class have been learning about the four main time periods of the Greek Empire through looking at different pottery artefacts. We have been creating our own ceramic designs in the different styles and painting them onto out own Ancient Greek inspired pots. Altogether, our painted pots form a chronology of Ancient Greece!