eyfs_—intent_and_implementation_2023.pdf |
Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and Year 1
See above our Intention, Implementation, and Impact Statement for EYFS
Mrs Bishop is the class teacher. Mrs Raison is the HLTA and works Monday to Thursday. Mrs Preston is our TA on Thursday and Friday. and Miss Moore provides additional support Monday to Thursday mornings.
We value our relationships with parents and share what has been happening in school via Class Dojo. www.classdojo.com/
On Friday mornings children have a Forest School session led by Mrs Bishop. PE takes place on Friday afternoons.
This term our topic is Fairy Tales.
Please see below for the latest newsletter for Willow Class.
See above our Intention, Implementation, and Impact Statement for EYFS
Mrs Bishop is the class teacher. Mrs Raison is the HLTA and works Monday to Thursday. Mrs Preston is our TA on Thursday and Friday. and Miss Moore provides additional support Monday to Thursday mornings.
We value our relationships with parents and share what has been happening in school via Class Dojo. www.classdojo.com/
On Friday mornings children have a Forest School session led by Mrs Bishop. PE takes place on Friday afternoons.
This term our topic is Fairy Tales.
Please see below for the latest newsletter for Willow Class.

willow_newsletter_autumn__2024_.pdf |
What the parents are saying about Willow Class
"Friendly caring environment with lots of different fun playing/ learning areas"
"Lovely small environment, friendly staff, beautiful school"
"We are amazed at how quickly he is learning. He can already read a whole book!"
"Good communication, staff are friendly, helpful and approachable"
"My son feels confident and happy"
"Couldn't have asked for a better environment for our daughter to be in"
Responses are from the October 2019 Questionnaire
Key priorities for EYFS this year
- Improve outcomes for writing
- Identify and support children with Speech and Language difficulties and develop language skills in all children
- Develop a better understanding of how children learn and implement this in the classroom
Helpful websites

maths_mastery.docx |

Meet Rex and Sam our class guinea pigs.
We take care of them in class.
They like to visit peoples homes for the weekend.
We have lots of hands on experiences in Willow Class
What have we been up to in Willow class?
Great Fire of London Workshop February 2023