In our Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) inspection in October 2019, we were graded a strong 'good' in all areas.
The final report notes:
Click here to read our full SIAMS report.
The final report notes:
- Pupils embody the Christian values. Behaviour in lessons and around the school is excellent. The school's Christian vision and associated values underpin the commitment of leaders for every pupil to flourish.
- Highly effective leadership and consistent high quality teaching have resulted in significant improvements in pupils outcomes. Pupils including the most vulnerable, make at least good, and often accelerated progress. This leads to attainment that is well above national averages in all measures.
- In order to equip pupils to flourish academically there is a rich and broad curriculum. This is complimented by a varied range of extra-curricular activities.
- The mutual and substantial partnership between school and church is valued by everyone, whether or not they belong to the local Christian community.
Click here to read our full SIAMS report.