Believe Embrace Shine Together
‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.’ Philippians 4:13
‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.’ Philippians 4:13
Collective Worship
Collective Worship in our school enables every child and adult to flourish and to experience awe, wonder, joy, and celebration. It will help educate for wisdom, knowledge and skills, hope and aspiration, dignity and respect, and developing community and understanding of living well together.
Our school acts of collective worship aim:
Our school acts of collective worship aim:
- To give an opportunity, for those who wish, to worship God
- To help children develop a sense of awe and wonder around them
- To provide regular time and opportunity for reflection and to enable children to move from what is of immediate but passing concern to the broader and more lasting concerns of life
- To provide time and opportunity for thanksgiving and to enjoy the unity from sharing friendship, acceptance, joys, hopes and fears
- To develop an awareness of and concern for the needs of others as well as personal needs
- To provide time to share with others the things we have been doing, our thought and ideas
- To help children develop shared values
- To give children experience of being active members of a caring community
- To respond in a compassionate way to experiences of injustice, cruelty, exploitation and greed
At our school Collective Worship takes place in a number of ways. We meet together as a whole school, in Key Stages and as individual classes.
Throughout the year, each class in the school also takes responsibility for leading whole school collective worship based on our 'value'; so far this year, Oak class have led on 'courage' and Beech Class have led on 'peace'.
Throughout the year, each class in the school also takes responsibility for leading whole school collective worship based on our 'value'; so far this year, Oak class have led on 'courage' and Beech Class have led on 'peace'.
The acts of collective worship in the school are planned so as to give the children a variety of experiences, and enable them to come to the threshold of worship. These experiences may include: The telling of appropriate stories, drama, dance, poetry, music and visiting speakers.
The children will be given an opportunity to respond to those experiences through silent reflection, spoken prayer or the singing of songs.
The children will be given an opportunity to respond to those experiences through silent reflection, spoken prayer or the singing of songs.
Links with our local church
We have strong links with St Nicholas Church in the village. Our school collective worship often takes place in the church and the wider community joins us for our Harvest, Christmas and Easter services too. Reverend Sharon leads Collective Worship in school regularly.
Values for Life
In our school we have a different 'value' that we focus on each half term on a two year cycle.
Our Values in year A are:
Trust and truthfulness
Thankfulness and generosity
And in year B:
Respect and Reverence
Our Values in year A are:
Trust and truthfulness
Thankfulness and generosity
And in year B:
Respect and Reverence
Reflection areas
Each class has a 'reflection' area. We also have a whole school reflection and plenty of lovely outdoor quiet spaces where the children may choose to spend some time.
Opportunities for our children's Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development are interwoven throughout the curriculum. We take seriously our responsibility to ensure that our children see themselves as young citizens who live by the British Values of:
- Democracy
- The rule of law
- Individual liberty
- Mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs, and for those without

In our Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) inspection in October 2019, we were graded a strong 'good' in all areas.
The final report notes:
Click here to read our full SIAMS report.
The final report notes:
- Pupils embody the Christian values. Behaviour in lessons and around the school is excellent. The school's Christian vision and associated values underpin the commitment of leaders for every pupil to flourish.
- Highly effective leadership and consistent high quality teaching have resulted in significant improvements in pupils outcomes. Pupils including the most vulnerable, make at least good, and often accelerated progress. This leads to attainment that is well above national averages in all measures.
- In order to equip pupils to flourish academically there is a rich and broad curriculum. This is complimented by a varied range of extra-curricular activities.
- The mutual and substantial partnership between school and church is valued by everyone, whether or not they belong to the local Christian community.
Click here to read our full SIAMS report.